Press Releases

Smith Urges Vigilance Against Voter Fraud

October 30, 2024

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Brian Smith (R-Jefferson/Indiana) issued this statement following news that Lancaster County election workers uncovered significant voter registration fraud and York County is investigating potential voter registration fraud:

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Smith, Policy Committee Host Second in Series of Hearings on Preserving Benefit Integrity

June 3, 2024

PUNXSUTAWNEY—Last week, Rep. Brian Smith (R- Jefferson/Indiana) and the House Republican Policy Committee, led by Chairman Josh Kail (R-Beaver/Washington), convened the second in a series of hearings to discuss ways to safeguard Pennsylvania’s social benefit programs from fraud, waste, and abuse, and to ensure the state’s resources are efficiently allocated and accessible to those who truly require assistance.

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House GOP Policy Committee Hosts Hearing on Preserving Benefit Integrity

May 24, 2024

House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Joshua D. Kail (R-Beaver/Washington), Rep. Brian Smith (R-Jefferson/Indiana), and other lawmakers will host the second in a series of hearings titled “Excellence in Government: Preserving Benefit Integrity” to discuss ways to safeguard Pennsylvania’s social benefit programs from fraud, waste, and abuse, and ensure the state’s resources are efficiently allocated and accessible to those who truly require assistance.

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Smith Stresses Importance of Public Comment on Broadband Digital Equity Plan

November 30, 2023

PUNXSUTAWNEY – State Rep. Brian Smith (R-Jefferson/Indiana) is encouraging constituents to participate in the public comment period for the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority’s Digital Equity Plan. This plan is required to access Pennsylvania’s share of $2.75 billion in federal funds to expand broadband access in the Commonwealth.

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Smith’s Bill to Restart Key BLCE Program Passes House

November 16, 2023

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Brian Smith (R-Jefferson/Indiana) announced his bill to restart a Pennsylvania Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement (BLCE) program allowing minors to take part in compliance checks for liquor establishments has overwhelmingly passed the House. If signed into law, the program would continue through the end of 2027.

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