Smith Stresses Importance of Public Comment on Broadband Digital Equity Plan
November 30, 2023
PUNXSUTAWNEY – State Rep. Brian Smith (R-Jefferson/Indiana) is encouraging constituents to participate in the public comment period for the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority’s Digital Equity Plan. This plan is required to access Pennsylvania’s share of $2.75 billion in federal funds to expand broadband access in the Commonwealth.
“All too often, rural districts like the 66th get left behind when it comes to federal funding,” Smith said. “This public comment period allows the people of Jefferson and Indiana counties to make their voices heard. Let the authority know about the broadband connection challenges our rural communities face.”
The public comment period will close Monday, Jan. 8. To submit a comment or review the plan, click here.
Representative Brian Smith
66th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jake Gillespie
717.772.9834 /
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