Smith Slams Democrats Slashing Funding for PA Students Who Need It Most
November 17, 2023
HARRISBURG – In a late session Rules Committee meeting this week, House Democrats voted to slash $150 million in Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) and Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) scholarships for students in need.
State Rep. Brian Smith (R-Jefferson/Indiana) panned the move:
“This stunt is a slap in the face to Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable students. Too many kids in our Commonwealth find themselves stuck in failing schools. OSTC and EITC scholarships are their ticket out. But once again, House Democrats have put Pennsylvania students on the back burner.
“These programs award our businesses with tax credits for investing in education. It’s a win-win that’s done so much good for both students and companies in the Commonwealth. A move like this shows how blind House Democrats are to all the progress these programs have helped create.
“Our kids shouldn’t feel trapped in poor-performing schools purely determined by where they were born. I will continue to fight for our students’ right to choose the best education options, and programs like OSTC and EITC that help make that decision a reality.”
Representative Brian Smith
66th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jake Gillespie
717.772.9834 /
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