Transportation Committee Advances Smith Legislation Allowing the Use of Safety Cables When Towing Vehicles

May 22, 2023

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Brian Smith (R-Jefferson/Indiana) today announced that the House Transportation Committee has approved his legislation to expand safety options for towing. House Bill 497 would allow the use of safety cables when towing vehicles. When two vehicles are connected by certain hitches or devices, current law requires safety chains to be equipped in order to prevent the tow bar from hitting the ground should the tow bar fail or become disconnected.

“While safety chains get the job done, safety cables are lighter and easier to handle, while being just as strong and capable as conventional chains,” Smith said. “Owning a transportation company for two decades has taught me that cables take up far less space and last longer than safety chains. While chains will still be permitted, we should give Pennsylvanians the choice to take advantage of this tool.”

House Bill 497 now heads to the full House for consideration.

Representative Brian Smith
66th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jake Gillespie
717.772.9834 /

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