Your Voice in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Rep. Brian Smith represents the 66th Legislative District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, serving all of Jefferson County and parts of Indiana County.

Contact Brian

How Can My Office Serve You?

My staff will be happy to help you with state-related issues. A few services offered include car registrations; driver’s license renewal and special tags; property tax/rent rebate applications; birth certificate and death record applications; and much more.

Office Services


Results of Deer Hunting Survey

Meet Brian

A devoted family man, successful entrepreneur, and deeply involved community leader, Rep. Brian Smith brings a combination of real-life experience, strong work ethic and unwavering commitment to getting things done for the rural Pennsylvania citizens he serves.

As a self-employed business owner who has created jobs and successfully met a budget/payroll across several different businesses for more than 20 years, Brian understands the importance of protecting family-sustaining jobs, reducing taxes, repealing crippling regulations, achieving energy independence and holding government fiscally accountable. An uncompromising defender of our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, Brian is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association. His other top legislative priorities include protecting the sanctity of all human life, election reform, enacting common sense laws to allow rural communities and job-creating businesses to flourish, helping to retain and recruit volunteer emergency responders, confronting the drug epidemic, and expanding regional tourism/outdoor activities.

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